Thursday, December 29, 2011

Changes are coming in the New Year

This coming new year will bring some changes.
One thing that will be different is.. after 22 years the hubby and I will be on the same the same factory, but in different departments.
We went to different shifts when the boys were younger. We really didn't want a "sitter", and this way one of us would always be home for them.
The boys have been grown and gone on their own for some time now, and we are still on different shifts...I've come to like my time to myself in the mornings, and not sure how sharing my morning time (other than the weekends) will turn out.
We make jokes about if hubby starts driving me nuts he's getting shipped back to the day
All in all I think it will work out okay...whats life without a little excitement huh?
I will miss the daily notes we would write to each other though..oh well, save a tree this way!

to be continued.....



Terri Sonoda said...

Love the site design. The writing is a bit dark on the background and I had to squint to read. That may be my computer display, though. So you're going on the same shift? I start my new job tomorrow and I'm on second shift. Joan's on dayshift. I am more than fine with that! LOL Glad to be back on your blog again. Come visit me when you can. Big hugs friend. Let's keep in touch!