Saturday, January 22, 2011

Congratulation! You are have been Featured on Bloggers

I got this notice in my email this morning...
Hello Linda:

You have been featured on BLOGGERS as one of the Bloggers of the day. Your profile and Blog "Life is an Adventure" has been showcased in Bloggers Home page ( In addition to that you are awarded with Featured bloggers badge on your profile.

Thank you again for your brilliant work. Enjoy the latest features and tell your friends to join this wonderful community.
Thank you
The Bloggers Team

OhMyGosh....What do I do?  What do I say?  What do I WEAR?  lol

I had another "sleepless" night..finally just gave up on trying to sleep and got up around 6am.
I found this nice surprise in my email, and those were my exact words..What do I do, say and wear?
LOL...No really..what does one do when they get featured? 
   I clicked on the link to check it out...Awesome!
Now, what can one possible say?  a big fat... THANK YOU!
And, what does one wear?  Pj's!

So, that was a nice start to my day!


Didz said...

Congratulations!!! You deserved it! Keep up the good work ;)
They never sent me an email when I was being featured..*sniff sniff*

Have a great day ahead, Linda :D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my friend! I am happy for you and jealous at the same time. I've never been offered anything like that. Very cool! Keep us posted!


Empty Nester said...

I was featured there as editor's pick last week and was at a complete loss for words! Congratulations!

Carol E Wyer said...

Well done! See it just goes to prove that others are finding out what we already know - you've got a great blog!