Monday, January 31, 2011

4 lies and a truth

I've been tagged....and..Thank you very much Terri!

You must list 5 things about yourself; 4 of them must be bold-faced lies. Just make some shit up, we’ll never know; one of them has to be true, though. Of course, nobody will ever know the difference, so we’re just on the honor system here. I trust you. Except for the 4 you lied about, you lying bastards! But don’t go crazy trying to think of stuff as we’re not really interested in quality here. Then you must pass this on to 5 bloggers and....I totally copied this whole paragraph off of  Terri's blog "Terri's little corner"..Neener neener!

So, here we go    4 Lies and a truth

1. I trained to be a fireman/Woman
2. I wrecked my drunk friends car, and swapped seats to make it look like she was driving.
3. I won the Jr. Miss Pageant at the Union Co. Fair.
4. I can still do the splits.
5. I managed the Valet Parking at the Hospital.

Now.. I get to chose 5 lucky blog buddies

1. Carol @ Facing 50 with Humour
2. Jeff @ Life can be funny (sometimes)
3. Nancy @ Sand in my Shoes...Love the new name Nancy!
4. Sheila @ SheilaScribbles
5. Diplo Daddy @ Educated Abroad

Good Luck...and Have Fun!


Theresa said...

Priceless. You TOTALLY won the Junior Miss pageant.


Nancy said...

Oh how fun! I can't wait to lie!! (I never do that so this will be fun!) We should have people guess which one is the truth!

Carol E Wyer said...

Please tell me you can still do the splits! I've never managed it so I would be so envious! Thank you for tagging me. I've just been tagged by someone else and told my lies... Do they count for this tag too or shall I think up a load more? I'll turn into a pathological liar of I do it again. Lies are much more fun to write about than cows and rabbits. Now let me look into your eyes and work out the lies here :)

Sheila Siler said...

I'm guessing you won the Junior Miss pageant.

Linda said...

Okay....Gee, you all were wrong..
The true one is...#5