You must list 5 things about yourself; 4 of them must be bold-faced lies. Just make some shit up, we’ll never know; one of them has to be true, though. Of course, nobody will ever know the difference, so we’re just on the honor system here. I trust you. Except for the 4 you lied about, you lying bastards! But don’t go crazy trying to think of stuff as we’re not really interested in quality here. Then you must pass this on to 5 bloggers and....I totally copied this whole paragraph off of Terri's blog "Terri's little corner"..Neener neener!
So, here we go 4 Lies and a truth
1. I trained to be a fireman/Woman
2. I wrecked my drunk friends car, and swapped seats to make it look like she was driving.
3. I won the Jr. Miss Pageant at the Union Co. Fair.
4. I can still do the splits.
5. I managed the Valet Parking at the Hospital.
Now.. I get to chose 5 lucky blog buddies
1. Carol @ Facing 50 with Humour
2. Jeff @ Life can be funny (sometimes)
3. Nancy @ Sand in my Shoes...Love the new name Nancy!
4. Sheila @ SheilaScribbles
5. Diplo Daddy @ Educated Abroad
Good Luck...and Have Fun!
Priceless. You TOTALLY won the Junior Miss pageant.
Oh how fun! I can't wait to lie!! (I never do that so this will be fun!) We should have people guess which one is the truth!
Please tell me you can still do the splits! I've never managed it so I would be so envious! Thank you for tagging me. I've just been tagged by someone else and told my lies... Do they count for this tag too or shall I think up a load more? I'll turn into a pathological liar of I do it again. Lies are much more fun to write about than cows and rabbits. Now let me look into your eyes and work out the lies here :)
I'm guessing you won the Junior Miss pageant.
Okay....Gee, you all were wrong..
The true one is...#5
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